
One Hundred and One rule 101

I find that one of the most beneficial things we can do as individuals for preservation and growth is taking time to self reflect. I have been on my grind since I was 16 and I’ve learned a lot about the world and myself. One thing is true, nothing will be handed to you, and what’s worth keeping is also worth fighting for. I’ve had the wind knocked out of me many times. Ive seen my dreams crushed before my eyes and opportunities snatched from my fingertips. Ive contemplated quitting time and again and settling for a much less awesome version of me and settling for a more mediocre version of myself. But I just couldn’t do it, I could never fully allow my dreams to die.

I use to think that my parents were hard on us, my seven siblings and I. I thought that they pushed us too hard, but its because of their unwavering expectation of greatness that I am the man I am today. My dad would often pull us aside individually and say things like” When you're hardest hit, don’t quit” or “failing dose’t make you a failure, quitting does”. I must admit sometimes his words would go over my head but Im so happy that they sunk down in to the very core of my being. So now when opposition arises or when I want to throw in the towel I hear his words echoing inside helping to propel me forward and up out of my rut.

I've tried my hand at many different ventures, some successful some not. The biggest lesson I've learned in all of my upsets and disappointments is what I call the one hundred and one rule. My one hundred and one rule basically states, In life you’re going to get knocked down, it's going to hurt and at times you'll want to throw in the towel, but be not dismayed your victory is right around the corner. When life knocks you down one hundred times be sure to get back up one hundred and one times, because success is out of touch when you stop reaching. Thank God for the guidance of wise parents.